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Backup old desktop / ZPOD

Detailed instructions for backing up the old desktop / ZPOD virtual container

Backup the entire virtual container:

  1. Close Zinstall on the new desktop / host computer
  2. On the new desktop, find the Zinstall folder
    1. For Zinstall XP7:
      1. Usually, it is C:\Zinstall
      2. Right click on the folder c:\Zinstall, select properties, make sure the indicated folder size is not zero
      3. Otherwise, find the top level folder called Zinstall on another drive (i.e. D:\Zinstall, E:\Zinstall etc.) with size not being zero
    2. For ZPOD - it is the "Zinstall" folder on your external drive that contains the ZPOD.
  3. Copy the entire Zinstall folder to the backup location of your choice. This can be an external drive, another hard drive on your computer, a network drive or network share, etc.
  4. This will allow restoring the entire virtual container along with all data, settings, programs and OS

Restore the entire virtual container:

If a problem arises and you need to restore Zinstall's old desktop / ZPOD from backup, follow these instructions on the new desktop / host computer:

  1. Close Zinstall on the new desktop / host computer
  2. Locate the Zinstall folder ( as described in the backup instructions above ) - we'll assume it's "c:\Zinstall"
  3. Rename it from c:\Zinstall to c:\Zinstall_original
  4. Copy the Zinstall folder from the backup location to c:\
  5. Run the Zinstall host utility from the desktop or launch the ZPOD using "RunZPOD.exe" - it will now use the container restored from backup.

Backing up specific files from within the old desktop to the new desktop:

  1. Switch to your old desktop and open "My Computer"
  2. Navigate to the files you with to backup
  3. Copy the files or folders you wish to backup (select the files, right click, choose Copy)
  4. Navigate to the Z:\ drive
  5. Navigate to the destination drive from the host computer, for example - go to Z:\c if you want to go to drive c:\ of your host computer
  6. Create a new folder called "Backup" (or go to the backup folder of your choice)
  7. Paste the files to this folder (Right click the empty area, choose Paste)
  8. On the new desktop, navigate to c:\Backup in order to view & verify the backed up files
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