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Virtualization is a core technology of Zinstall migration to new OS. Unlike bare metal migrations, Zinstall uses virtualized OS containers and the Virtualization Abstraction Layer to provide a smooth, robust and easy-to-use solution for the burning problem of today - PC migration.

Virtualization. What has not yet been said about it? It is rapidly entering every part of the IT industry. Large enterprise, small businesses, consumers - everyone is there. Reducing costs, consolidating hardware, helping IT deployment and manageability - these are all virtualization benefits. The future does seem bright.

We, however, live in the present. And however great future IT may be, getting there is in no way easy. After all, in the real world, we already have an infrastructure. Data centers already exist. Users are already working on their workstations. Consumers already have their PCs. The challenge, therefore, is bringing virtualization to real people, with real problems, in the real world.

This is exactly what Zinstall does. We use virtualization as a tool - to solve real-world problems, right now. What does this mean? An essential part of our products, virtualization is a technology - no more, no less. 

Zinstall Virtualization Abstraction Layer (VAL) is a platform which provides robust, easy to use, virtualization product. The user does not even need to know he is using virtualization. The average digital consumer is not interested in how Zinstall works, and which specific virtualization platform it uses - only in that it provides an easy, intuitive way to switch between two desktops.

VAL's main task is to make the underlying virtualization platform usable. In fact, the actual virtualization solution maybe switched from Zinstall VM to another product, such as Microsoft and VMWare solutions. VAL manages:

  • Underlying VM operation and performance
  • Client interface and VM control
  • Host-VM integration
  • File transfer and clipboard functionality


By maintaining a SOA approach in creating the product architecture, we are able to provide robust and accessible virtualization platform - that can be used today, not tomorrow.