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NY Times

"I typically use two main programs when writing articles — Word and a text editor in which I’ve compiled all my notes. For instance, as I’m writing this story in Word, I’m switching back to my text editor to search for pertinent data. When I find that information, I select it, copy it and switch back to Word to paste it. This is a common office task, perhaps the main thing we do on computers. ... But on a small monitor, this frequent task presents a cognitive challenge, says Jane Payfer, the chief marketing officer at Ergotron, the company that makes the excellent ergonomic monitor stands that I used to set up my displays in different ways. Every time you bring up a new window on your screen, your eyes and brain need to orient themselves to the new picture, a bit of mental processing that can slow you down."

Microsoft Research


"How do you organize your data? Don't groan, it must be done. More space might make it easier; however, if you're working on a large screen and switching between spreadsheets, your online research, the company report, your inbox, a collaborative workspace or two, and maybe a game of Solitaire, how do you track it all?"
"Microsoft researchers haven't perfected the genie, but they've found a tool that can increase your productivity by 9 to 50 percent and make your work day easier. And you can begin using it right away"

Wall Street Journal

" Working late? Blame your computer screen. A new study finds that bigger monitors make people more productive.The study concluded that someone using a larger monitor could save 2.5 hours a day."

PC World

"...when programming elements of the home page using a single monitor, I had to click constantly between two open browser windows..."
"...Another good example is how it impacts my work with spreadsheets. Here at PC World many of the editors spend a fair amount of time wrangling ridiculously large and scary spreadsheets... And, of course, there's the whole aspect of working in multiple programs at the same time."



"Study: Widescreen Displays Boost Employee Productivity
New study claims companies can realize significant productivity gains by adopting larger, widescreen displays.

Can you see your way to wasting less time? One new study says yes: Organizations that upgrade their employees' standard-format monitors to widescreen displays can realize productivity gains equivalent to 76 extra work days a year per worker, as well as annual cost savings of more than $8,600 per staff member, according to a recent survey. (That math assumes a staffer who makes $32,500 annually.) "

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